Autobio & Art Mission Statement

                 Hey. My name is Meghan. I'm from Charleston, South Carolina and I'm a sophomore in high school. However, I'm hoping to get out of high school as soon as I possibly can and then start traveling. My number one goal in life is to see the world. But until then I'm perfectly happy in Charleston. Its beautiful, is right by the ocean, and it has plenty of places to shop. My favorite thing about it is probably the beaches, especially because I'm a volleyball player. I absolutely love volleyball and I play every day, every time I get a chance. I play club volleyball on the off season, and beach volleyball during the summer. I love it. There aren't many things to say about me...I've lived a pretty mediocre life so far but I've got tons of plans, other than traveling too.
                 When I graduate (after I go to Europe) my plan is to go to Clemson University. My parents both went there, its actually where they met, and I hope to get in as well. I was raised a tiger fan, and I've never really imagined myself going anywhere else. As of right now, I want to be an Intensive Care Neonatal Nurse. If that doesn't work out, maybe I'll be a teacher or something.
                  My favorite things to do are play volleyball, hang out with my friends, SHOP, and go to the beach. I also like to take pictures too. I laugh a whole lot, especially with my friends. I'm a generally happy person, mostly because I have many reasons to be. I have amazing friends, family, boyfriend, and team and I am grateful for each of them.

Art Mission Statement
"Art teaches the soul to see."
I believe art exists solely so one can express themselves in any way they want. I like to think of art as an escape, a way to "slip" from reality. The amazing thing about art is that its purpose is something different for each individual. Some use art to express grief, some to express happiness, etc. Art speaks where words cannot.  Art is expression, it is beauty, it is emotion, it is who we are.

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