Art Stories

Edward Hopper, Nighthawks, 1942

Sherri: (female to the right)
     It was nearly midnight when he asked me to meet him at Phillies. We meet in secret, for my husband mustn't know. Keeping my secret is nearly effortless, however, when all of his time his spent at the office. Jack is different. He listens to me. He loves me. Maybe it is wrong, but it is too late to turn around now.

     I knew she would come. She always comes. Every night, at midnight, as soon as her husband falls asleep, she comes to me. There's something about this affair, this woman, that is intoxicating. It is not love; perhaps lust, but not love. I have convinced her that our secret meetings are not immoral, that she deserves a man to care for her. I am at a loss. I don't want to stay, but I know I can't go. I am seduced by the wrongness of it all, enticed by sin. I'm not going anywhere.

Tom: (worker)
     Boss gave me the late shift this week, 6pm-3am. Every night I am here I see a woman. She sits alone until he arrives, the man she waits for. Her face lights up when he enters. Her infatuation with him is crystal-clear. Every night neither of them buy anything, not even a drink. They simply sit at the bar and talk. To each other, to me, to themselves. But sometimes, in beautiful moments, it gets quiet, and they just look at each other. It is in those moments when I think he may really care for her, too. They stay until I leave around 3:30 am, and as soon as they walk out of the diner, the man says not another word. He simply strides to 2nd Street without even as much as a goodbye. It is these moments when I question his motives for being with her.

Alex: (far left)
     She forgot to take off her ring. The Mrs and I had a bit of a spat last night, and I needed a drink. I walked to the diner on Main Street and sat on the opposite side of the bar. There was a man there, and he was with a woman. I do not know what it was about the two of them, but I knew she was not his wife. 

Scene 1: Midnight, at a restaurant on Main Street.

Line 1    *a woman walks into the restaurant wearing a red dress and too much perfume. She sits at the bar, looking nervous*

Line 2     Tom: "Hello ma'am, what can I get for you?"

Line 3     Sherri: She thinks for a second, and then, as if remembering something, she says, "Nothing, thank you."  

Line 4     Tom: He thought for a moment about asking if she was alright, but decided not to. She fiddled nervously with her fingers. 

Line 5     *a sophisticated man in a navy suit walks through the door*

Line 6      Sherri: She jumps and hugs the man tightly. "You came," she said, "I'm so glad you came."

Line 7      Jack: "Of course, darling, where else would I be?"

Line 8      *Jack and Sherri sit down at the bar*

Line 9     Tom: Well, can I get you folks anything now?

Line 10    Jack: He quickly answers, "No. We're fine thank you." He turns to Sherri.

Line 11    Jack: "I'm sorry I'm late. The car wouldn't start and I had to walk."

Line 12    Sherri: "That's alright dear, you're here now," she says with a smile, grasping his hand. 

Line 13    Jack: He whispers quietly to Sherri, "did you do what I told you?"

Line 14   Sherri: She looks around, then back at Jack, and says "Yes, he was asleep when I left."

Line 15    Jack: "Good," he grins, still holding her hand. "Then we should have nothing to worry about, hmm?" He gives her an assuring smile.

Line 16    Sherri: Her demeanor begins to relax, and she smiles and says, "You're right, nothing to worry about. It is just you and I now." 

Line 17     *another man walks in, looking angry, and sits at the opposite side of the bar.*

Line 18    Alex: Before Tom could even ask, he orders a scotch. He looks to the couple across the bar, and notices the ring on the woman's finger. "Marriage," he thinks, "What's so good about it anyway..." He looks to the man holding her hand, and notices his lack of a wedding band. 

Line 19     Jack: Noticing the man across the bar eyeing Sherri's ring finger, he begins to realize what the man must be thinking. He quickly hides her hand under the bar. He suddenly looks angry. "Your're wearing it. Why are you wearing it?"

Line 20    Sherri: "Oh my, I must have forgotten. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." She goes to slip it off, Jack stops her. 

Line 21    Jack: "No no, too late now. You must be more careful." He whispers this and looks around. The man at the other end of the bar meets his gaze and holds it. He knew. 

Line 22    Jack: He stands up quickly, trying to appear calm but his anger and nervousness is obvious. Sweat is forming on his brow. "I'm sorry dear, but its late and I must be going." He kisses her on the forehead and walks out. 

Line 23    Sherri: Confused, she follows him out the door. "Wait! Just wait a minute! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to forget...I promise it won't happen again. Please don't go."

Line 24    Jack: He walks back to her and takes hold of her right hand. He kisses it. "Its alright, dear. I'll see you tomorrow night. And with that, he disappears in the darkness of second street. 


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